Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
So, I was sitting at the window as that is where I've been writing my lovely dissertation for the past weeks on end. Yes, the weather has been a little odd. Rain, sun, wind, thunder, lighting...I don't know what to expect, it's London.
This curiously strong wind swept in front of me and bug-eyed, I stared out the window, but slightly mesmerised, I just to see what would come next. It was a wind and sound and that I'd never heard before. It passed.
turning on the tV....Tornado rips through North London...i was kinda wishing to see Paul Moyer sitting behind the desk because I miss hearing his sensationalism, however, it wasn't that great.
Back to the Diss.
Cheers, L
Sunday, December 03, 2006
What's new?
London is getting colder.
Full-timers graduated...was just up in Edinburgh the past week to celebrate...way too much celebrating.
Job hunting for the New Year.
Flat hunting for the New Year.
Slowly compiling things for my UK visa. City of Torrance is going to hate me soon.
Headed home in 10 days...Holy Moses.
The headed home part is really tripping me out b/c that means the MBA has come and gone. While, I will not graduate until next June. I'm done! My grandiose ideas of travelling central/eastern europe have been put on hold, b/c this girl needs a job.
Speaking of jobs...somebody hook a sister up. International community please. I have a few appointments when I'm home so we'll see what comes of it.
Go see Casino Royale if you haven't already.
Check out the Magic Numbers if you want a nifty, new band to follow.
Don't think of coming to visit, there's no room at the Inn.
Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat!
Cheers, L
Monday, November 13, 2006

As my father so graciously taught me, Charity is a higher virtue than Truth. So my little friends, of course I didn't tell the man he smelled like Avon. I couldn't! I was just returning from Mass (I go to the Westminster Cathedral now) and I just couldn't deflate the pour soul. This man was pimping and I would have really been laughing in his face.
I so wanted to say it b/c in a way it would have really made the story. But instead, I just sat there on the Tube looking like the crazy person b/c I couldn't stop giggling. Green Avon Christmas Carolers...if he only knew.
But back to the soap. So my sisters and I were talking and we've come to the conclusion that these soaps have really challenged us over the years. Because we've SAVED the pretty soap for the past 30+ years, this terrible plague has been cast upon us.
First, I hate soap! I haven't used the stuff since body wash hit the scene via Body Shop, Garden Botanika, Bath/Body Works etc and surfaced into the retail world. Yes, our lovely mother continues to purchase soap as gifts.
Second, i can't use them. It's one of those crazy things that's been engrained into my head as a child....don't use the pretty soap. So, I've carried around with me for the past year 3 soaps from Neimen Marcus. I can't use them, they're pretty soaps! So far they've travelled more than most Americans...US, France, Scotland, and England.
So now it's a running joke, what the hell am I supposed to do with the soaps. And then, my freakin sister brought me a gnome soap when she visited in August. Her response upon presentation, you better use the soap before you move out of your flat! It just sits and stares at me each day.
I wish i had taken them with me on other journeys; kinda like Amelia and her gnome.
Ok, back to the dissertation.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
all of a sudden I smell this curiously strong scent. Yep, sure enough its the cologne of the posh and decadently dressed man beside me. My cerebral rolodex starts spinning away, but stops similar to the Price Is Right Wheel that Dane Cook likes to reference every so often.
A grin appears, slight chuckle, and I say, "Sir, your probably spent a lot on it, but I thought you'd like to know that it's bringing me flashbacks of my childhood. You actually smell like the 1970s, green, christmas carolers that were sold by Avon that my mom used to place as decor on the back of our toilet. That's all."
Monday, October 30, 2006

Sunday, October 22, 2006

I got to hang with my Mom a bit as she's a little gimpy due to her recent foot reconstruct. After the 25th time that I left the house my mom continued to tell me to "Be Safe!" When I finally asked whether she truly felt that if these parting words were forgotten that it would result in me meeting my fate? Get this folks, she responded that she only said it so if something did happen to me, she'd tell the local news that the last words she said were and I quote, "I told her I loved her and to be safe!" Unbelievable! Simply a ploy to be nice on the news.
Many of you asked whether I've secured my position as the favorite aunt! Hello? Of course. While I didn't accomplish teaching her to crawl, I've been working on the next generation of the Toner Trifecta, that includes an abridged name to follow suit....(Lo, Chickie So, Mo and now Hannah Ro), sounds effects of the Ya-Woo and associated arm movements. Right now, she just knows that I'll

I enjoyed time with my siblings too. Hung out for the weekend in Ventura with Sarah and Matt. We cruised the old town, enjoyed a pint, baked cookies and walked the marina. Good times.
I'm back at Christmas and looking forward to it.

Remember this....everything and everyone is fine! Don't forget this.
Version 2. My father, the organist, feels like he's having a heart attack half way through the ceremony and is rushed to the hospital just as the bride and groom are leaving the church. Not good folks, not good. 2 fire trucks and 2 paramedics and a trip to HOAG hospital later, we found that Dad passed out due to the onset of the flu. Sounds shady, a true weak sauce!
As I make light of it now, it really wasn't the best thing. Due to the amount of Servite alumni/families at the wedding, by the end of the day the streets were buzzing with talk of strokes, heart attacks and near death as the rumours. Holy Moses! He was released later that day; he's doing fine and has a few doctor's appointments in the near future.
The way I see it, Rachel had asked my dad to play the organ at her wedding and in turn, she promised never to hug him again. He's not exactly one for female, tactile affection; with men however, Ha! (I just realised how that sounded.) Moving on, half way through the ceremony he realised what he was truly giving up! (I can say these things b/c my dad doesn't read this blog)

Did I make it to the reception? Of course, I needed a freakin drink! There really should be bars in hospitals. Entrepreneur idea or process innovation?
As we left the hospital, my brother's remarks for the day were, "uh, Laura, isn't this wedding the only reason why you came home?"...Oh really Ted, thanks for reminding me! My Dad's kicking it and Rach and RJ are married. All is good.
Decorating the Bride and Groom's Room.... we decorated twice, this was the Suite that they weren't staying in. Fun facts.

California Dreamin, L

Hung out at Aleece's house in Redondo Beach to reminisce about the good ole days of living at the beach and for that fact California, the USofA??? Let's see, we went to Bath and Body Works to stock up on the body washes, sprays and much needed scented, hand sanitizer. Have you seen the people who ride the tube. Apparently, the hand sanitizer is quite the American thing. I remember when in Shanghai my friend leaned over and asked to borrow some. "How'd ya know I had it?" and she replied, "all Americans carry hand sanitizer." Too right!
Other highlights included, a trip to Target... Isaac Mizrahi has definitely missed me, the movies, checking out the new "lifestyle" wing at Del Amo, and Mexican food at Riviera. Unfortunately I ordered my favorite meal, spinach and chicken enchiladas. Spinach! Spinach! Spinach! I wanted the spinach. Unfortunately those plans were shattered, but it wasn't too serious. But can I just say that I've enjoyed getting back to eating the lovely lettuce, spinach, etc....
Stop #2..Hennessey's in Redondo Beach, the old stomping grounds. I got together with the crew from the COT and threw back a few cocktails. I was definitely happy to see that Jeff Gibson was allowed to come out and play. (Sorry, I needed to get one more jab in there....Friendly note to others that may be in the dark, "Don't Come to London and Not Call Me. At the Very LEAST Say Hello! Ok, I'm really done ranting.)
Good people, good times! It was truly great to see everyone, first at Chief Herren's retirement and then again at Hennesseys. Thanks everyone for coming out, and thanks to Gesuina for the party planning.
Cheers, L

Headed home for Rachel and RJ's wedding. The first weekend was the bachelorette party in Palm Desert at the Marriott P.D Resort. Whoa! A surreal feeling overwhelmed me from hanging out with 22 of Rachel's dearest friends. A bunch of crazy girls (SPEAKING ENGLISH) gathered to celebrate the pending marriage. It was a great weekend and fun way to kick off the trip home.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

I'm on my way, just set me free, home sweet home....
I'm almost home and definitely looking forward to it as well as needing it. Nearly 10 months since Christmas and I can't wait to see my family and friends. I've been running ragged here with work and hosting guests.
Guess what? I will be promoted to Business Development Manager upon my return to London. I'll be working only 16 hours/week and writing my dissertation. I'm happy with the new position as it suits my skills and interests just a bit better. The fact that its a 3 person operation soon to be 5 is challenging, but shows so much room for growth.
I'll be in Palm Springs my first weekend home and hanging in Ana-HEIM. It's not exactly the beach, but my mom and dad are there.
I'll post contact numbers when I'm home; I'm hoping to hijack my mom's cell b/c of course Verizon wouldn't just sell SIM cards like the rest of the world. We'll see, maybe things have changed.
See you soon. LO
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Can you believe it? Are you shocked? It's been 365 days since I hopped into the British taxi cab and said please take me to my high priced hotel where I'll stay for 10 days b/c I wouldn't let a flat over the internet. So let's recap. If not for you, for me b/c I didn't have this blog a year ago.... Memoirs of LT. Let me break it down.
- 10 days in the Links hotel
- Started school, thought to myself, who needs money? (should have checked that little exchange rate) p.s. GBPs aren't the same as Euros.
- Found a garden flat that looked better than the hotel, realized no oven, a shower that trickled and the lou was on siesta
- Went to a Ceilidh with the class
- Went to a party and found a boy (good Laura...way to be single)
- 9 classes...WHAT???
- Torrance was Mon-Fri (actually 9/80 schedule)
- Edinburgh-studies were 24/7 and the feeling of guilt if you went to the pub
- Weekend in Perth with the friends
- Realisation that no one can dial an international phone call
- Visit from Cliff
- Trip to Amsterdam
- Ditch a couple of classes...not good!
- Complete freak out from final
- Christmas Ball
- Home with the fam...Ya-Woo!
- Hogmanay, Edinburgh's New Year Celebration
- Saw the Edinburgh and surrounding sites before school started.
- Trip to Stirling
- New semester, elective courses, cool profs
- Received 1st semester grades and learned that people with English as a Second Language schooled me.
- With these exchange rates, by god I will learn Finance before leaving this school...Behavioral Finance, Take 2
- Trip to the Highlands
- Visitors...Ya-Woo!
- My aunt and uncle, Bill and Leslie Toner from Chicago
- My Redondo Beach friends, Leslie and Aleece
- Trip to Dublin, met crazy Welsh, Orange Army Protests
- Study, study, study
- Broken Toe....bring out the gimp!
- End of the semester
- Sad goodbyes
- Freaking out; I'm moving to France
- Road trip-east coast of Scotland, Cantebury, Dover to Calais, Paris, Lyon
- I love Paris in the springtime; school at ENPC
- Mom and Dad visit me in Paris
- Shanghai surprise, I know they tried to kidnap me
- Friends from Edinburgh-Ana, Machiko, Ian, Annabel, Mariela, Hero!!!
- Morocco
- Met my current employer
- Morocco bacteria...Paris hospital...death bed...caretakers Jay and Ian
- the things you do to get out of your last MBA class; ya right.
- Enjoyed Paris with Jay
- Visit from Scott
- First trip to London via the Eurostar which I swore I'd never do
- So sad to leave Paris
- Time back in Edinburgh
- Move to London and start working, not cool (haven't even been unemployed for a year)
- Work placement in London
- I lived in my business
- Found a flat and pay more than living at the beach!
- Sarah visited me...ya-woo! Trip to Edinburgh
- I can't type anymore (where'd the @ symbol go?), can't spell anymore (is it s or z?) and who says ZED anyways?, it's ZEE, strange words (is it a queue or a line?)
- John Fellows visits
- I have no friends
- Jay hangs out
- Figure out my dissertation topic, thanks Jay
- Edinburgh's all over
Edinburgh really is over and it's rather sad. The full-timers turned in their dissertations last Friday and the new kids are already claiming our territory. The few who remain are the internationals who are scattered through out the world.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Friday, August 18, 2006

Ok, way behind on life and the blog. So I'll try to bring you up to speed. Unfortunately, this post will be near the bottom. I couldn't post pics for some time, but looks like things are in proper working order.
This is Sarah and I posing in front of Edinburgh Castle. She ended her trip here before flying out the day before the chapstick/terrorist plot incident.
I thought I should post a nicer, more virtuous pic of my sis as compared to her Gerkin episode. Truly, my motive was to determine whether or not my parents are reading my blog and I've found that they really don't love me, nor care what I've been up to. So, the Gerkin pic stays until I feel the wrath of the parentals from afar. Sorry Sarah...peer pressure, never give in.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Strike contingency plans!! Hello. Anyone ever heard about contracting out the trash service? A little union busting, think people.
Oooh, I see a truck as we speak! Not a city trash truck.
So I'm thinking the call to action will be when either a small child is toppled over by the 8 foot high composts or as our weather changes. No joke on the 8's truly disgusting. Three weeks people, no trash pick-up, we all live in small flats, single family residences....please. It's not New York, but we're not in Kansas either.
Good times.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
And now I'm all alone again
Nowhere to turn, no one to go to.
Without a home, without a friend
without a face to say hello to
But now the night is near
And I can make-believe he's here
So bottomline is that I have no friends. My two bosses are in Canada...and I don't want to hang out with them anyways. Sarah went home. And my friend, Anthony from my MBA class who lives down the street, he's in Dubai and then starts the job on Monday. Snooze!
Campaign...Want to Get on My School Bus?
Campaign...Want to Play in My Sand Box?
Campaign...for the love of god and all that is holy, will someone be my friend?
Desperate times call for desperate measures. So I hit the streets, not in the lady of the night kind of way. I was fully clad due to the cold rain and headed to my local bar, Ha Ha. There I stood all by my lonesome. Yes there were stares, really it was gawking. There are no bar stools here people so you just can't hind that you're so solo. I just needed to make it through one class of wine and then would permit myself to go back to the flat. However after a good ten minutes, bartender Emily gave me a kick-save and came to the rescue with some brief conversation. Fabulous! School bus door opened....all aboard.
Just as I finished the one conversation, I was chatted up by a couple fine gents with the punchy line, "surely you're not here on your own." I refrained from quoting Airplane and seized my opportunity for 2 more potentials. I made it to the second glass and then we moseyed to O'Briens for another cocktail. Success folks! I built a sand castle....ya-woo. So I have plans on Wednesday night. Good stuff.
It is daunting, but a swift kick in the arse and open body language I'm determined will help fill my school bus.
Cheers, L
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, New Guard.
Holy Moses!
What in the world is a girl to do without any freakin chapstick or lipstick on a 10+ hour flight? I have to come up with a plan. I'm taking suggestions. Clearly, I'm happy that the plot was foiled, but I need to strategize and 6 weeks will be here before you know it.
And yes, Sarah made it back to CSUC(K)I; she was on her merry way on Monday morning and finally arrived. As for John, remember the City Attorney from a few weeks back, he may have quite the delay getting back, but who's in a rush to get back to work...Matterhorn, Torrance, Matterhorn...Torrance. Yeah, I'm not feeling it.
So where should I hide the chapstick?
I was thinking I could put a clear lining on my hand and nonchalantly apply every so often. It may get a little slimy, but at least I'd have it.
Coat a credit card?
Fill medicine caplets with lip gel?
Wear a locket??
Somebody please, help me, please!
Good thing I'm flying American or maybe not.
6 week countdown and looking forward to it. It's my grandparents anniversary, Police Chief is retiring, Rachel's getting married...yada, yada, yada. Good people, good times.
It's cold here and summer may be over. Sadly, just as I receive my summer dresses and shoes from my mom, I'm closing up the windows each night and am dreading the possibility of another UK winter.
Contrary to popular belief, I'm applying for the UK work permit and should have a good chance. Thankfully, the COT salary gave me a little boost to qualify me for the Highly Skilled Migrants Program. If I don't succeed, I'll be another illegal alien just trying to get a job and make a better life for myself. Oh, how the tables have turned!
First Mover's Advantage------
Do you think I could capitalize on the recent terrorist threats with the creation of fashionable, transparent, carry-on bags for the jetsetter? It's just not really convenient to carry an open trash bag on a plane. Fashion First! Hello?
Cheers, L
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sometimes when I check my emails and see that I have no love from friends and family, I'll turn to my blog to see if anyone posted a comment and then realize that I'm really just talking and amusing myself.
Sarah's keeping me company in London. On Sunday we enjoyed the Columbia flower market, vintage shopping, a walk through the "City"/financial district, Tower Bridge and a walk along the Thames. We indulged with a pitcher of PIMMS, a cocktail concoction that is common in these parts.
Good times.
Monday, July 31, 2006

Greetings Friends and Family:
I tried to take a picture of the bell, but I can't seem to capture it. Does anyone know the name of the clock??
The other pic is my garden!! Not that I planted it myself, but it's the english garden for my flat. While the heat wave has taken a major toll, it is filled with lilacs, lavender, roses, an apple tree and some other crazy things. I figure it will definitely keep me sane as the weather turns from miserably hot to freezing cold. AT LEAST YOU ALL HAVE AC!!!
Sarah's here in London as she got in on Saturday. Heathrow, mon dieu, what a nightmere. It's like a UN convention and not being part of the EU is just not fun when trying to get through customs. But sitting in the waiting area, trying to catch first glimpse of my sis, I realized in my old age that I'm becoming a weak sauce, depending on who's reading this.... i.e. basket case, baby sister, an emotional wreck. Little kids running to parents, grandmas meeting grandchildren, husbands greeting wives, men from the old country meeting the new generation's family...I, who have never cried in a sappy movie...there were tears in the eyes folks!
Despite the heat, I've been surviving. Work has gone from a part-time position to full-time, but as the deadline draws near for the case study deadline, it's all the better. Most of my days have been spent meeting with Execs from Network Rail.
I'm taking a few days off to enjoy with Sarah. Later this week, we'll head to Edinburgh to partake in the Festival activities. I missed it last year, so I'm looking foward to the concerts, etc.
More pics headed your way.
Hope life is good.
Kisses, Laura
Monday, July 24, 2006

Ya woo! I'm headed home September 20-October 10. Plenty of time for me to soon become Hannah's favorite aunt. She'll be over six months and I'm thinking I can quickly edge out my sisters for the #1 aunt pole position.
So not only will I get to see my niece for the first time, I'm also headed home for Rachel and RJs wedding. I'm looking forward to all of the festivities surrounding the wedding of the year.
I'm enjoying London and have settled into my flat in Muswell Hill. The internet is finally set up so I can enjoy coming home after work and don't need to stay late catching up on life.
Mobile: +44 7946 947897
Home: +44 208 815 9020 (I don't have a phone yet)
Skype: (download it people! It costs 2 cents a minute. Buy a Janet Jackson headset, plug in to the computer and call me. You can do it.)
International phone calls should be in all of those book of accomplishments or things to the 10,000 things to do before you die. #172...make a freakin international call, it's not that hard!
So what's new? I have pics but haven't downloaded yet. London is new to me and I'm slowly exploring each weekend. These are the things that I've done, and these are the Brit comments that must be accompanied every time you mention these things.
- Checked out Downing Street (Tony Blair's domain)
- Big Ben (you know it's the bell, not the clock)
- Rode London Eye (it was supposed to be taken down after the Milennium, who knew it would be such a success?...this should be your cheeky response "kinda like the Eiffel Tower after the World Fair"; p.s. got the Big Ben education after not being able to spot the large monument in the sky)
- walked across Tower Bridge (those Americans so often refer to as London Bridge; but when you grow up in So Cal next to Lake Havasu, we all know where London Bridge rests)
- Sat in St. Paul's Cathedral (I don't have any rapid Brit commentary, however, oddly enough, there were scantilly clad ladies roaming around provacatively posing for the camera. It wasn't quite what I imagined.)
Pending visitors:
John Fellows, Torrance City Attorney
Sarah, Crazier and #2 sister (watch for the Blog updates)
oh yeah, saw Juliette Lewis in Fools for Love a play by Sam Shepherd. Good stuff, but a lot of yelling which i could barely handle. Mary Poppins is next.
So come visit. Find a good flight and save 2x the money you think you'll need because Pounds and Dollars just don't compare.
See you soon.
Love Loyalty Friendship......LAURA
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Dear friends and family:
I'm now living in London, Muswell Hill to be exact as I've secured a summer work placement with the Centre for Organizational Exellence (COREX.) It's a small consulting firm and I'll be working on a case study for their client, Network Rail. They are responsible for the railways in UK, which have been plagued with disaster over the years.
Anyways, I'm enjoying the City and getting to know London. The extent of previous visits consisted on sitting at Heathrow for countless hours. Already, I've had my share of visitors and this is only my second week. No one is staying with me because I'm living and working in the business. It's definitely creepy to check the work emails in a shower towel. I don't think the home office will ever be my thing. I have found a flat nearly 200 yds/metres so the commute will allow me to fashion my heels and get on down the road. I'm looking forward to moving in over the weekend, and although the flat is small it has the most amazing english garden. I needed something to cheer me up as summer turns cold and I begin writing my disseration.
I'll post some new pics when I get some. Come visit me!
Cheers, Laura
Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Au Revoir, Paris!
Well sadly, my days in Paris are quickly coming to an end. My time here has been absolutely amazing and I have fallen in love with this city. The love is not so strong right now as the spring sun is blazing and we have no air conditioning.
What will I miss?
- Greeting the cafe owner downstairs each morning. His name I still don't know.
- Croissants aux amandes from the local patissier and every so often a tarte dijonaisse.
- The rappers, crazies and preachers on the subway.
- Catching a glimpse of the Eiffel Tour, Notre Dame or the domes of Sacre Coeur all too often and still getting excited.
- Being asked for directions and sadly panicking instead of busting out my steadily improving french.
- The moon over the Canal St. Martin..I didn't take a pic b/c it will always be one of my great memories..
- Going to the second story of the Eiffel Tour and getting to kiss a man....relax, it was Ian, no scandals here.
- The many visitors that we shared wine, sampled cheese, laughed until the wee hours of the morning.
- Trying to fall asleep along the Seine.
- Reading my book and hanging my feet over the Seine, realizing that I was slightly starting to nod off and thinking that Patrick would just love for me to fall in.
- Food and wine, lots of it, and dinners that last for hours and somehow the time always escape you.
Paris has been amazing for me and my goal is to never be too far away. It's the conclusion of my studies, and now I move on to my work placement in London. I'll be back in Edinburgh for 10 days and then London awaits me. I'm looking forward to the new adventure, getting slowly back into work and attempting that disseratation, which topic continues to evolve.
Au Revoir Mes Amis....Love Loyalty Friendship...Laura
Monday, June 12, 2006

My adventure post Morocco landed me in the hospital for 3/2 night stay. Not exactly what I had expected. I don't know if it was the swim in the Casablanca beach, brushing my teeth or eating the salads, but apparently you're not supposed to do any of those things. Who knew?
So my symptoms quickly progressed on the train ride home. Was poked and prodded the following day at the doctor and the following night encountered yet another adventure with the Parade of Horrible that go to ERs. Now keep in mind, you may be envisioning the local ER in Torrance or St. Jude's....oh no my friends...Friday night ER in Paris. Foreign language skills apparently rest in the short term memory of the brain so it's slightly difficult to convey everything accurately. It appears that only doctors speak a bit of English and the one ER doctor started the following morning. It wasn't cute people. I'll leave the details of scenes out of the blog...children read this. Actually they don't, stinking Parisiens, drunks, druggies, people wailing. Nice.
I just kept believing it was going to get worse before it ever got better. Very true! Taking antibiotics in China didn't help doctors with the diagnosis and then my travels in Morocco. The one African doctor came in and said...."have you heard of Malaria?" Not good! They ran enough tests to discover the cause...simple bacteria infection that wanted to kill me.
That is why I've been so delayed on the Blog. A little bacteria that tried to kill me. Thankfully, Jay was there in the beginning and Ian quickly flew down to help me recover. I missed my last class, which believe it or not I was bummed about. It was one of those things that you gear up for...I'll be done May 26! So May 26 came and went without the celebrations, sans biere, etc. I am feeling much better, still cautious for fear of possible invasion return.
So that's it. You'll quickly see that I'm doing ok. I've been roaming the city in my last days and enjoying every bit of it.
Cheers< L

Children of Morocco
These little ones were outside of our riad each morning as they lived and played in the area. They were too cute and got extremely excited each time that they saw us. I'm thinking that they thought Jay was just a big giant, but a nice giant that bought them all ice cream.
Porte d'eau...
You may have seen them earlier, but this pic is particularly gross because I'm wearing that hat which has probably been passed on from generation to generation. That thing hasn't seen soap, a river or sanitizer in it's eternal lifetime.

Nights in the Marrakesh Market and the Moroccan sunset. The African sunsets were amazing, I caught a great one on the train from Casablanca to Marrakesh, but unfortunately couldn't capture it.

The night market was filled with hundreds of street vendors and entertainers. Henna artists, snake charmers, drummers keep the square lively until the wee hours of the morning.
My friend Scott was enticed to leave his student exchange in Copenhagen for a quick trip to Paris to visit me and Jay. We saw the Paris sites and made our way around town. The weather here has changed and we're now trying to escape the summer sun. Late nights are spent drinking wine along the Seine and St. Martin Canal, the canal rests just 200yds from my flat.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Parade of Horribles....
So the parade of horribles that I've grown to love, but not yet mingle with were just enjoying their saturday afternoon. Ian and I were crossing the street when all of a sudden I hear this commotion, a man running, a lady scurrying, people stopping to let the crazy battle ensue.
So, I transition from my "Pieton traversez en double temps" to a crawl b/c one of the parade participants is coming after the bourgie lady.
(Keep up people, bourgeosie made simple.)
So she's looking all high society scurrying away and I'm thinking this guy is going to kick her ass. But as I approach I can hear what's going one...Retournez, Retournez, Donnez moi....squak, squak, squak.
Right? You're with me. I'm understanding the dialogue and this guy hasn't had anything but Champagney all day long.
So get this...this crazy chick lifted potted plants from the Parade of Horribles. Now keep in mind that these flowers were probably once stolen, but I'm a Robin Hood fan. She wouldn't give the flowers back until the Parade conductor ripped them out of her hands. And then there was peace.
Everyone went back to their previous strides, people still looking a little confused and then disgust came over my face and my little puzzle pieces formed the mosaic. This Little Miss Bourgie came along and gangster bitched the memorial flowers for one of the deceased parade participants. The 40 ft. tree is the largest tombstone that I've ever seen, there's a photo attached with lovely ribbons of the spot that had once been occupied at the Place de Republique, and at the foot of the tree lay wrapped flower and the reinstated potted plants.
Can you believe it? Bourgie stealing from the homeless memorial?? Oh, I wanted to kick her in the head when I realized.
That's all for now, I'm exhausted just reliving the incident.

Ok, I'm way behind on life right now. I'll post some pics of Marrakesh and then bring you all up to speed.
Porte d'eau (i.e Man who carries water)
I never drank water from this man. He cannot be blamed for any of the little men that invaded my body. This is a sneak attack camera shot because had he seen me, he'd have followed me until I handed over the cash. Nothing is free in Marrakesh.
Me and my camel friends.
No, I didn't ride them, just pulled over to the side of the road for the photo opp.

Friday, May 12, 2006
Sometimes it's just a little weird walking around the city. I'm continually saying to myself...I'm in Africa. It's just one of those places that you hope you have the chance to see, experience and enjoy. Planning to head to Marrakesh and beyond.

1. Hassan Mosque
2. Jackass
3. The Medina

This is Jay and I at the beach in Morocco. I'm seriously scantilly clad and loving it. I think I may be reflecting the sun here.
p.s. Jay's my roommate in Paris. I think he's yet to make a visual in the Blog. And, yup, he's at least a foot taller than me. The first time I walked around the Medina, no problem b/c he was walking 3 feet behind me. I like the cultural role reversal!
Greetings friends and family. Je suis arrivee en Maroc. I'm currently taking a course on Entrepreneurship in Casablanca and enjoying the life here. I think this is what I had envisioned for the pursuit of MBA. Go to school for a few hours, then shop, go to the beach, take a nap, have a few cocktails and then open a book every so often. I'm enjoying life here too much. Class is only 4 hours a day and because Ecole Hassania is a part-time program, the class is only in the p.m.
So, I've worked on the Redondo Beach tan that I have been without since moving to Edinburgh. I was happy to see that I still had a little beach girl in me, so my slight burn quickly turned into a tan. Ya-woo!
Casablanca was really reminding me of California and then finally it came to me that it's exactly like Palm Springs. My internal GIS is improving and I came to learn that the 2 cities actually sit on the same parallel. Good stuff.
The first two days were filled with studies and applications, but now my time can be redirected towards the exploration of Morocco. The food is delicious and I just came back from an amazing couscous feast. Solo, I walked the Medina yesterday and was harassed with snake-like hisses. I don't know why I didn't stop and talk, it was so endearing. Can't imagine. Purchased a scarf to go to the Mosque; however when I arrived visiting hours had come and gone; maybe another day. I been speaking more French, but for the most part no one ever seems to understand me. Most people are used to speaking this type of Frarabic so they continually are in and out of the two languages, much more fluent than the Spangish.
Have to get running. I'll post pics. Apparently, I've been a little longwinded in the postings and more pics are wanted. But hey, you travel to a bunch of countries and see what it's like where you can barely speak to anyone. My laptop and I are like best friends forever, or maybe it's more just the voices in my head that continue to speak to me.
Oh, I have Skype now too. I'll post that number or address...and people can call me there too.
Jesus loves me yes I know......Laura
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Of course I never got on the elevator to Shanghai. I wouldn't have been able to write these stories if I had. Sorry that I left you all hanging that was not my intention. No elevators, no art, no muggings, fully clothed, etc. I think that sums up the questions that I've been receiving. Plus, my mother taught me well.
I got out of China on Monday. I guess my flight was scheduled early in the morning, who knew? I actually found out the night before that I was leaving in the a.m. so it drastically cut into my souvenir shopping. In other words, if you don't receive anything in the mail, I was probably shopping for you on Monday, but the trip was cut short.
I hate KLM! They only allow 20 kgs for travel. Who goes to China and only returns with luggage under 20 kgs? Sounds like a complete airline scam. After dealing with the Chinese post and mailing my belongings back to my parents in CA, I was able to board my flight. One of the items may have been illegally removed from the country. I can't state the validity of such a claim.
I returned to Paris being greeted on the train by of course, more Chinese travellers...Chinese travellers speaking French (language overload.) It was all good...I need to expand my breadth of Mandarin vocab which currently consists of Hi, Thank you, 58, 88 and No. I like to say them at random pretending I know the language. Oh, I know the numbers because that's the address of my friend and also where I got my massage, so I'm quite proud of myself for learning 58 and 88. I also picked up the numerical sign language which the taxi drivers were all amused by.
I started back in class today which I'll have through Saturday. Sounds miserable, but it's really not too bad.
Ok, here's the kicker. i know you think I the big jet setter these days, but as I told Patrick, I'm really just trying to see how much money I can spend being unemployed. So, this Sunday I will be heading to Morocco for another class. I'm trying to see how many continents I can visit within 3o days! It's a class in Entrepreneurship and I'm really looking forward to checking out the country. I'll have a few extra days for travel so will head out of Casablanca to Marakesh. I am looking into import/export, but haven't figured out if it's strictly to expand my personal jewelry and purse collection or if it good serve the greater good. I'm thinking it's the former.
I'm starting to get grades back from my second semester and have achieved significantly higher scores than my first semester. I really think the first dose was boot camp, where they beat us into submission just to build us back up again. I'm quite pleased b/c I received my first A which is rather difficult to accomplish in the UK system. I'm still waiting for my Business Finance grade, but he's on joke. I'm actually hoping he holds on tight to that picket sign and foregoes the may serve me better in the long run.
I need to sleep. I'm lacking desperately in that arena. But hey, I'm back safe and sound from China and enjoying the late nights in Paris (the sun is setting around 10 p.m.) Love it!
Talk to you soon.
Love Loyalty Friendship,
Saturday, April 29, 2006

YuYuan Gardens and Bazaar
So, I came to Shanghai expecting to see the whole city covered with pagodas, but who knew they would actually build 2,000 skyscrapers over the past 10 years? This was my favorite part of the trip. Walking the gardens, exploring the pagodas of the Ming Dynasty and then shopping in the Bazaar and haggling my way to successful victories. It's great to shop in China because everything cost "about a buck" and then you go to DHL and FedEx to mail things back to the States and everything you saved during the negotiations goes out the window. Who knew?
I'll be writing more on my experiences of China when I get back to Paris. I've been sick for the past 2 days, but am starting to feel much better after seeing the local pharmacist. She used an abacus to find the tally of my purchase. Who uses those things?
Life in China has been a 10-day game of charades, I challenge anyone when I get home. You see how you'd convey sore throat, running nose...I need cough drops, please for the love of god will someone speak freaking english! As I am always amused at there dyer need to speak Mandarin to me, they in turn are always amused by my 1 Scene Acts. Really, I think all thespians should give it a go here.
Have to run.
Cheers, Laura (I hope I don't have Bird Flu)
Friday, April 21, 2006
Ok, so I'm in Shanghai; you're all up-to-date, right? I was walking the streets and definitely enjoying myself. This was my first day out on the town so I got an early start feeling guilty for wasting time on a nap yesterday.
I went to the Old City and the YuYuan Gardens in the early part of the day. I haggled my way through and did not relive my Istanbul incident that I encountered last year. From there, I walked to People's Square which is home to City Hall, a lovely park and a few museams. I took advantage of the student discount and went to the Shanghai Museum for some art and history lessons. Upon leaving the museum, the heavens opened up and the rain started. I headed up to Nanding Road, a pedestrian street with High Street shopping. Due to the rain, I started ducking in and out of stores hoping not to get completely drenched. My goal was to find a taxi to make it back to the University and grab a bite to eat. So standing outside of McDonald's, I started talking to 3 students from Beijing. They happened to be art students and were interested in my exchange program. Although the conversation was limited, it was nice to speak to someone in English beyond the voices in my head. So as we continued, I learned that my new friends were actually in town for an art show. I was really excited to have met people and I was hoping we'd be headed somewhere to grab a beer and to discuss Shanghai and the sights.
Better than offering a beer, they invited me to see there art. It was just two doors down and I obliged, but two doors down was actually a hotel. As I was talking to the two girls, their male mate had rushed ahead to call the elevator to the 4th floor. I know that I've seen way too many Jackie Chan movies, but I'm convinced as I straddled the doorway and reason came over me of "DON'T GET IN THE ELEVATOR!!!!" that I was either headed to Inner Mongolia or was going to wake up with some serious head trama, no money and maybe the hat that was on my head. Not cute.
Random thoughts/things about Shanghai:
- What's up with the toilets?
- I never have any idea what I'm eating. My diet consists of white balls, they're either filled with meat or they're really gooey and sweet. I never know which I'm ordering.
- I love hand sanitizer
- Sometimes when I'm paying, vendors see my Euro coins so I give them away. They just laugh at me. I don't know if they're excited or they just think I'm crazy. I can't tell.
- When you're feeling homesick, just go to Starbucks. I'm learning from Edinburgh, Paris and definitely Shanghai, that Starbucks in the mothership when the "fish out of water" feeling hits.
- Starbucks defeats the toilet issue.
- The elders practice Tai-Chi in the parks; it's great.
- They use American models to sell clothes so people think they're buying American fashion. Random fashion lines: Snoopy and Betty Boop....Why?
- There are definitely not enough taxis to go around. You can get one into the City, but definitely not out.
- Maybe I could start the AQMD here.
That's all for now. I'll try to post pics. I've been having a heck of a time. This is the longest internet connection
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I arrived to China this morning and found my guest house near Tongi University. I have a few days to explore before I start the study trip portion. Not too sure if I will head up to Beijing or just see the sights of the city. The city is sprawling, similar to LA and leaves much to be discovered.
Life has been very exciting since moving to Paris. My roommate, Jay, and I have entertained guest since Day 2 of our arrival. The best yet was the visit from my parents. (pictures pending!) They arrived on Holy Thursday and spent the next week with me. I took them to the restaurants that I've enjoyed dining. Living the life of a student, I definitely took advantage/enjoyed our meals...tartes, crepes, pate, vin...delicious. We walked all over the City, explored the gardens, visited churches, went to Easter mass at St. Gervais, shopped in boys town (Marais District) and St. Germain de Pres. I think they finally mastered the subway system and know the best parts of City to stay for their next visit.
The next 30 days will be a great adventure. Today, I'm in Shanghai and will be here until May 1. I'm back to Paris for a week and then will head off to Morocco for a course on Entrepreneurship. 3 Continents...ya-woo!
Life is exciting. Still looking for the summer work placement so let me know if something comes up.
Send me emails.
love loyalty friendship, Laura
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
I arrived in Paris last week and am absolutely loving it.
If you want to send me fun letters; please write me at:
8 Rue Beaurepaire
75010 Paris France
Anytime you see the riots; they're protesting right outside of my house: I will post some pictures soon: I have had 4 visitors so far; 3 from Edinburgh and 1 from the OC: looking forward to my parents' visit at Easter too:
Started class this week and am taking Venture Capital for the one day I come up with an idea:
French keyboards arenĂ¹t fun
Salut; LO
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Broken toe is healed. YaWoo! Hit the gym and am back running again. Still can't do the lunges, who knew a pinky toe was so vital to balance. Oh, a broken toe in the snow isn't the best, but I do think that the constant icing on my foot due to the freezing cold has helped with the expedited healing.
What's new?
- Had a final on Wednesday for Public Policy.
- St. Paddy's Day was a bore. I've never been so close to Ireland on the 17th and home before the day was over. Complete Snooze Fest! There was simply nothing Irish about the day.
- Monday I'm meeting with the CEO of I'm interviewing him for a paper I'm working on and to discuss possible work placement scenarios for my disseration.
- Two finals next week, going away party Friday night.
- Before I head off I'm supposed to meet the former First Minister, Henry McLeish. (It's the Tony Blair of Scotland) Purpose again is for dissertation topics and work placement options.
- Leave for Paris on Sunday, March 26.
It's been crazy how time has flown by. I'm looking forward to Paris, but don't know what exactly to expect.
Cheers, Laura
Saturday, March 11, 2006

Here we're pictured at the Glenvinchie Distillery just outside of Edinburgh. After our share of samples, we got behind the bar to serve....whiskey neat.

This evening started out as a girls night with a trip to see "Memoirs of a Geisha." After a Chinese feast, we made a few calls to the classmates and met up at Conan Doyle, my Sunday afternoon tv favorite...Sherlock Holmes. After closing, we remained in my neck of the wood, New Town and headed down to the Basement, Phoenix Bar and then the last stop of PIVO.
Represented here is Spain, England, India, Scotland, Texas, Maine, Mexico, Iceland, Missouri and the two Dutchies on the end.
Thursday, March 09, 2006

Burn's Supper, a traditional Scottish celebration, was celebrated at the end of January. Here is a picture of the haggis being piped in by a lonely piper. The event took place in the Playfair Library on the University's campus. A good time was had by all, songs, poetry reading, lively toasts to the lads and lassies and an official toast from the Program Director.
For those of you stateside, a good parallel of the event would be if we put the Turkey on a platter and escorted it in with a tin whistle or harmonica...and please, everybody best be standing.