My move from the OC to London.
So I was home in October for 7 days and most of my time consisted of documenting everything that I saved in boxes 2.5 years ago or have been saving in some form of a box since I outgrew items. This could possible have started 27 or 28 years ago. It's quite debatable. Let me tell you of the great dilemna of "what stay's? and what goes?"
What stayed? Strawberry Shortcake dolls, stuffed animals, school notes (not the ones from classes, the ones from boys, Valentine's, etc.)
London: Furniture of course, Kindergarten painting of a Leprechaun, WEDDING pics, Storm Trooper helmet, barbie corvette and Winnie the Pooh bookends! Oh and the grand daddy of them all The GREEN Machine! Bow-chica-mow-wow! I feel the jealousy across our 8,000 miles. 

Ian unfortunately is not of the cultural background to truly understand the power of the Big Wheel. It could be that due to most homes, like ours, lack of a garage, basement or any storage for that matter Big Wheels could be seen as slightly excessive...such a strong word. Well certain items came with intent and others well I think my mom was just sick of storing my boxes and paid Bekins a few extra dollars to add Barbie and Star Wars. P.s. Don't forget the baby blanket that amounts to a few pieces of fabric held my 4 stitches of yarn.
I digress. My prize possessions came on 20 December. The perfect storm had occured. A huge project was due at work on the 20th....our bedrooms closets were being built requiring all items to shift into the other 2 rooms...our flight was on the 21st to LA....and my cousin and her husband would arrive from Chicago on the 26th. Good times. So again, my prize possessions came and guess who knocks on my door with his three lovely colleagues.
Do you see this picture? Does he look like your typical moving crew? Actually this dude is famous and I just couldn't take their picture with my camera b/c it would have validated the ridiculousness in front of me. Of the 4 movers, two were on there way to greet the grim reaper and I'm most certain one of them walked with Gandhi, and the other 2 jokers walked like my niece. Hyperventilation set in when we were down to the piano and my grandparents china cabinet. I paid the truck driver (who looked like a mover) to get out of his truck violate his union and coordinate this shower of idiots because they had no ramp and would have to lower the goods down 5 feet to the ground. I love all of god's people, I like the Serenity prayer, I like rational thought, I like the phrase "give it to god" and I like whiskey in the wee hours of the morning when a work paper is due and a doo-dah parade is outside.

My piano is standing and needs a tuner. My china cabinet is proudly displaying its crystal.
And "yes" to all of the nosy people, it was cheaper to ship it then buy it all here!!!