Sunday, July 27, 2008

At the end of April, Chief Bongard and the Mrs., Mary Jo came to London for a family wedding. We met up with them after they drove something like 7 hours for what should have been a 2 hour journey. Four words: men, directions, mobile phone!
Anyways in was great to see him and catch up on the Torrance Mafia. Seems like everything is still the same, good people/good times.
Bongard hung up with Fire Hat 2 weeks ago and will find himself sidelined on the football field for one of the local schools.
Oh my goodness. I'm quite excited right now. One of the downers with the Blogger programme has always been the slow download of photos matched with people's requests to SEE more photos. Hurray! I can finally make a slideshow and share for everyone without filling your inbox with countless photos that you make or may not be interested in.

I'm going to jump around for a bit and get you all up to speed. Not that I have any true excuses for the four month lag, but life has been busy.

The photos below are from my unexpected trip back home in June. I ended up at my cousin Angela's wedding. It was a dry festivity with praise music in Murrieta, detoxing can be fun, but sneaking out to the parking lot and taking whiskey shots is even better. Oh, takes me back to the good ole days.