My parents came to London a week prior to graduation. I enjoyed sleeping on the floor, Ian got the boot to the south side of the river and my parents fought over who snored and stole the blankets in my Dream House Barbie size of a bed. (yeah, so don't let this picture fool you.)
Good times were had by all. They were greeted with a week of thunderstorms, but thankfully we were all trained by the rain of Portland to not let the weather ever get you down. They quickly found the nearest bakery in town and I introduced them to my new life in the City.
They arrived the last day of my work at Corex and I greeted them beaming with joy as I made my exit. A new adventure awaits me! I hope???!

My father wanted to return to Warwick Castle as that was the only thing he apparently enjoyed when he visited the UK 45 years ago. He rarely mentions that he was travelling with my great grandmother and her entourage....could that have something to do with it? Just a thought. You all remember the last time that I hung out with my grandparents...the geriatric sing-along.
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