Highlights included travelling to Athens, Chicago, Edinburgh for graduation, Ireland with mom, La Roche Barnard (Bretagne) for Ian's Dad's 75th and Edinburgh for the festival. Weekend festivities included Innocent's Village Fete (hung with MBA folks,) seeing Scissor Sisters, going to the Proms (the BBC summer symphony,) walking 7.5 miles to Columbia Market to buy some flowers (we got transport back and this is where i buy more flowers that vases-one of the City's best kept secrets,) mom and dad's visit-kicking Ian out of the flat (for their arrival,) Le Tour de
France, and of course not having a job. I'll have to go back and see if I ever shared the experience of La Roche Bernard; it was an amazing little village that I highly recommend if you're on this side.

Remember $400 flights! Just think the money you save on the flight will help toward the Pound/Dollar conversion that is not quite working in my favor.
I'll have you know that I did celebrate Labor Day, I have to stay true to my American roots and there was no way I was about to work. I'm keeping it real, right? Well it sounded good, but I didn't have a job to go to anyway.
Signing off, come visit, don't be a snooze fest.
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